Monday, March 5, 2018


My teacher suggested to make a schedule and deadlines for each task so we can manage ourselves and I think it’s a great idea since I tend to not be so good with time

•Week Two
 - planning the plot
- develop characters
- Plan throughfully the first two colors

•Week Three
- Planning throughfully other scenes
- shooting schedule
-Start shooting first scenes

•Week Four
- Peoduction Process
- Finish shooting
- Start planning othee components

•Week Five (SPRING BREAK!!)
- editing all of it
- start other components

 •Week six
- Dedicated week to website and print ad

•Week Seven
-Last touches
- Post final project

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Here's my CCR. I gotta say that I HATE talking to the camera... I get super shy and nervous soI'm sorry that you have to sit through...